Logistics transportation

Blockchain for easy data authentication

combined with AI and IoT to monitor the power of conversion storage

Combined with IoT and AI, Blockchain will increase efficiency dramatically, and become useful in monitoring shipping capacity. Specifically, IoT sensors mounted in means of transport help transport units determine the occupied space of shipments, thereby determining the appropriate means of transport and the appropriate price. Blockchain technology helps maintain the integrity of valuable products in transit, while securely recording all data during the entire transit. This information data is instantly transmitted to the Blockchain system to help stakeholders track and monitor safely and accurately transport capacity.

track the operation history of the transport vehicle

Monitor the operation history of each vehicle. Based on the parameters and information stored on the Blockchain system, Blockchain technology can track and authenticate information about the performance and maintenance history of the vehicle. This helps businesses, especially shipping and logistics businesses, determine the standard level of vehicles to choose for transporting goods.

Combine IoT with V2V to operate vehicle-to-vehicle communication

Blockchain and IoT combined with V2V, supporting data storage and communication links between vehicles, will help streamline transportation on a global scale.

Reduce costs, eliminate errors and intermediate procedures

Blockchain helps buyers and sellers verify shipments via blockchain and makes it possible for buyers to transfer payments automatically to sellers without the need for third-party intervention.

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