
provide a safe and secure way to handle and use permanent digital records

Security and Identity

The protection of passenger records, flight manifests and crew information is very important in the aviation industry. Using blockchain for these data sources will allow information to be managed and shared between different entities without compromising the security of their information.

Electronic licensing

Since the characteristics of the blockchain cannot be changed or tampered with, the authenticity of the pilot and maintenance logins can turn out to be accurate. Blockchain would eliminate the possibility of falsifying records and could allow a common system of mining staff and licensing data to fly across countries. This will allow regulators to verify if aircraft and pilot credentials are current, contributing to the overall safety of aviation.

Air transport

Every freight shipment requires a huge amount of paperwork, which is costly and inefficient. This ability to digitize paperwork with blockchain will allow for an eco-friendly solution. It will also reduce shipping times by eliminating the need to verify paper copies and by significantly shortening the administrative process. Consolidating air freight records creates an interconnected network of cargo information, which will facilitate data sharing and eliminate fraud.

Aviation authorities

Implementing blockchain as a standard in aviation will improve the ability of Aviation Authorities and countries to track specific targets and to ensure that operators and service providers are in compliance. regulations and standards. As the use of blockchain for electronic personnel authorization becomes the norm, it will provide regulators with the ability to verify the authenticity of pilots, aircraft, professional credentials, license to practice (CNS, Air Traffic Controller) through reliable and transparent record keeping.

Program ticket vending machine and customer management

Using blockchain for e-tickets will allow airlines to strengthen linkages by allowing tickets to be sold by their partners in real time. The show’s merchandise devices can be enhanced with blockchain as travelers can gain instant value from their points and use them as currency. Since the blockchain is publicly available, loyalty points can be used by any partner connected to the commodity equipment management network.

Financial transactions

Many aspects of aviation entail financial transactions such as spare parts purchases, aircraft leasing and aviation costs associated with flying operations. Blockchain can standardize these processes and properly secure transactions in a timely manner.

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